Tips For Choosing A Pallet Delivery Company
If you know that you need to transport a lot of goods and have decided that you might need pallet delivery, then it stands to reason that you’ll want to research different cheap couriers and hauliers.
Types of pallet transport by road:
Full Load: Like any type of haulage, if your load is going to take up the entirety of a lorry then you must commission a transporter especially for your goods. Depending on what you’re moving, your pallets may be able to be stacked 2-3 high, increasing potential capacity. Make sure to check with transporters to see if your load is suitable for stacking.
Partial Load: If you only need to move a few pallets, or wish to break up a large delivery, then you may opt for part load delivery. The advantage of using this method is that you can fill up space on part-empty lorry journeys, potentially saving costs.
Pallet Courier: Any small scale deliveries may be handled by parcel couriers, if you’re only moving a couple of pallet loads then this is an option open to you. It’s important to know the length, width, height and weight of your goods.
Dedicated: One driver will pick up and deliver your pallets, meaning they don’t spend any time in warehousing. This type of delivery is best for express and next day courier service.
Distribution Network: By using a distribution network, your goods will be picked up and hauled to a transport hub from which they will be taken on towards their destination. This mode of delivery can mean you save money but also takes longer to complete.
Considerations when choosing a transporter:
Loading: When choosing a transporter you will need to know what loading mechanism they will be using. You need to specify whether it is a one-man or 2 man job, this will depend on the size and weight of your items. If they have a rear loading lorry then you can use a pallet jack to pack your goods, otherwise, you would need a forklift.
Service: Some services will help with unloading and unwrapping your loads, this is entirely dependent on the transporter, so it’s worth checking beforehand.
Pallet Provision: If you’re short of pallets then the transporter may be able to bring some when they come to pick up the delivery.
Insurance: As you will be moving a large number of goods it’s important to know that the transporter has appropriate cover for moving your load. Make sure that you check what level of insurance the transport company has before you book them.
Association: A driver may be independent, or a member of a network. Membership of an organisation will usually indicate professional standards and full insurance. An independent driver may be cheaper – but make sure to check what sort of experience they have had with moving loads similar to yours.
If you need to transport a large volume of goods that can be stacked and packed, then palletised delivery may be what you need.
If you’re unfamiliar with pallets, they are a type of platform onto which a large number of products can be stacked, making transport easier. These efficiency increasing platforms are vital to the logistics and shipping industry. Since the largest volume loads are moved either in shipping containers or lorries the flat base and strength of pallets make packing a lot of similar goods easier and more efficient.
They also ease the movement of heavy loads around warehouses and loading yards; employing a forklift, or more cheaply a “pallet jack”, can make moving several tons of products far simpler.
There are a number of standardised sizes designed to make packing more efficient, these can vary from country to country. European pallet sizes, for example, differ in dimensions from most US ones.The variety of uses makes having a universal standard almost impossible.
Broadly there are two distinct types of pallet:
Stringer: The most common type, and what you might have seen being loaded onto many supermarket lorries. Stringer pallets are made most commonly from wood with the top deck boards laid perpendicular to the “stringer” baseboards. They are mass-produced and often disposable, and may be lifted from either end by a pallet jack or from all four sides by a forklift.
Block Pallet: Owing to both perpendicular and parallel baseboards, blocks are typically a stronger design. Extra spacers make them accessible on all sides by a pallet jack. They may be crafted from a number of materials including paper, plastic or metals. Varying materials are used to ship different loads depending on their weight (some of the strongest designs can handle loads of 9 tonnes each).
Once you know the details of your haulage requirements you can begin finding the cheapest transport quotes. If your item is a small one (that you could possibly fit in your car), then it may fit into a package and you can post these without the need for a courier service. These types of services usually allow you to track your order. There are a number of dedicated transport companies that will be able to handle your request, but asking for quotes from all of them can be a pain.
This is where Shiply can help. By listing your courier requirements with us, the right transport providers can come to you, to collect and deliver your items.
Firstly, list the details of your delivery on Shiply – including the weight (kg), dimensions, number of pallets and type of goods being moved will all help you get the best quotes. Once listed, your shipment will be accessible to all of our registered transporters. Always ensure your pallets are packed properly to allow for a smooth collection.
Drivers who are able to complete your consignment will quote competitively to try and win your custom. With a number of firms vying for your delivery, you will likely save money on your move.
You’ll be able to consider any quotes you receive, but bear in mind that part load delivery drivers might only be able to pick up your delivery within a short timeframe. You can compare delivery companies based on their Shiply feedback score based on other jobs they’ve completed.
When you’re happy with a quote, you can accept it and get your items delivered.
Completing the Process
When the pallets arrive at their destination make sure that you (or the recipient) check over the load’s condition. The driver should be happy to go over any checks with you, to make sure that nothing has been damaged in transit.
When it comes to unloading and unpacking, the driver may help depending on the level of service you paid for. Make sure that you have adequate tools for unloading; you may want to transport a pallet jack with the shipment if you don’t have one at the receiving end (alternatively this might be supplied by the driver).
Once your precious cargo has been stored away and the delivery completed we’d appreciate your feedback on your transport provider. You can quickly and easily review your delivery service on Shiply, making choosing a driver easier for future users.